Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy

    • Why do you need a social marketing strategy - To take advantage of social & digital media to build loyalty & awareness while attracting new customers & partners. Add to existing marketing strategies. Drive word of mouth marketing. Leverage a one-to-one medium for the ultimate in inbound marketing.
    • Make SMART Goals - Align your social strategy to business objectives.
      • Specific
      • Measurable
      • Attainable
      • Relevant
      • Timely
    • Connect with your buyer's persona - Know which channels to publish to, what to publish & when to reach your customer. Understand your customer's psychographics.
      • Background - Employment information & history, Marital & family status, type of vehicle, social status, personality type.
      • Demographics - Age, Income, Gender.
      • Social Channels - What channels does your audience use?
      • Brands, Tech, Websites, Interests - Know what are your audience members buying, visiting, using and liking.
    • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) - A quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of an organization, employee, etc. in meeting objectives for performance. Avoid Vanity Metrics; surface-level statistics that look good on paper but do not work for Return On Investment. Your mileage may vary as measurements do not mean the same thing to all businesses. Define your goals to know which Indicators are important.
      • Reach - Often over-hyped "Fluffy" numbers that rarely apply to a business goal. These are your Follower Count, Number of Impressions, Mentions, & Share of Voice.
      • Engagement - Better at indication than Reach as it is directly tied to a one-on-one action. The types of Engagement may include Likes or Favorites, Comments, Sharing & Re Tweeting, Ratings & Reviews or Inbound Website Links.
      • Return On Investment (ROI) - Executives looking to garner their investments will want these details. Show results by tracking Direct Sales Revenue, Lead Conversions, Support Cost per Customer, & Lifetime Value.
      • Retention & Loyalty - If your business goals focus on maintaining customer relationships, these are the Indicators to focus on. Know your Reviews & Ratings, Issues Resolved, Service-Level Agreement, Time to Resolution, Customer Satisfaction & Sentiment.
    • Evaluate Social Tools - One size fits most & some fit many with crossover features. There are hundreds of options & services to fit a variety of specialty requirements & budgets.
      • Social Listening & Monitoring - Monitor multiple social networks in one place to efficiently keep track of Review Comments & Mentions, Follow Social Conversations, Monitor Hashtags, Influencers, Customers & Prospects. Monitor your competition's social presence.
      • Publishing & Community Management - Use the tools to help manage content by centralizing one interface to Connect to Multiple Social Services, Schedule Content Publishing, Re-Share posts by Cloning &, manage users publishing rights.
      • Analytics - Monitor Social Engagement Metrics with a variety of tools. Tie metrics to your business goals. Update your Social Media Marketing Strategy & track changes in results.
    • Create & Manage your Budget - Social Media Marketing has surpassed Organic (free) Marketing in terms of overall customer reach metrics, but it comes with a price - YMMV. Once you have mapped out your Social Media Marketing Strategy, you will need a budget.
      • What content do you need to create? Will you need to hire out to professionals?
      • Balance Organic vs. Paid advertising. How much paid advertising will you need?
      • Will you pay Influencers to bring brand awareness?
      • Which Tools & Services do you need? What are the Monthly & Annual costs?

Justify your budget with metrics that back up your New Revenue Avenues, Demonstrate Savings & Efficiency, Achieve Competitive Advantage, Protect Brand & Enhance Customer Satisfaction.