Reach More People

Reach More People

Reach More People

    • Reach new heights - Leveraging your audience is a more powerful way to get your message delivered to others. It is easy to understand how consumers will trust a personal recommendation over a paid sponsorship.
    • Influencer Marketing - Case studies of companies like Nike Air Jordan shoes are a prime example of influencer marketing. When a celebrity or subject expert is associated with your brand, it can have a positive impact on trust & promotion. Tagging an influencer can gain exposure to their audience as well.
      • Celebrities - An often expensive option but may be a fit for the right goals.
      • Industries - People who have a celebrity status in a particular industry, such as Bill Gates or Elon Musk.
      • Media - Working with media publicists is an avenue that requires some quality connections & content.
      • Content Creators - Individuals who come in a variety of talent such as content writers, photographers & videographers.
      • Micro Influencers - These are every day people with large audiences who can share your story by word of mouth. These can be cost effective options to leverage their audience directly.
      • Local Influencers - Great for SOHO clients like restaurants & musicians who's customer base is defined within a local community. The restaurant mentions the upcoming music event & the band mentions the restaurant they'll be at - audiences from both demographic have been given an opportunity to connect with your business.
    • Working with Influencers - It's not what you know, it's who you know. Choosing the right influencer will have an impact on how effectively your message is received. You will want to select an influencer who has an audience that potentially buys your product or service. Think of their:
      • Reach - How many potential customers will hear the influencer's message?
      • Relevance - Is there a strong connection between the influencer & your brand?
      • Resonance - Does the influencer's audience respond to the message they are presenting?
    • Radio WII FM - What's In It For Me? This is a Quid Pro Quo relationship where each party has something to gain. Influencers can help by:
      • Sharing your content.
      • Sharing their original content.
      • Promote posts with them featured.
      • Events, meet n greet & contests to engage your customers... and more.
    • User Generated Content UGC - Ask your customers to share their stories, or a photo of them with your produce & why they love it. When people promote your product or brand, it is met with more trust & loyalty, reach a larger audience while giving social credibility.Boost SEO & bypass ad blockers. Crowd sourcing is content that your brand earns & is shared by word of mouth. This is content that is earned by your brand's product, reputation, event or other. UGC is the most trusted among consumers as the focus shifts away from a sales bias. Bean counter will love UGC because it is free. Side effects may include:
      • You can understand your target customer better
      • Directs traffic to your website
      • Improved customer communication & satisfaction
      • Grow your audience & build more connections
      • Gain improvements on search engine ranking & visibility
      • Receive more trust from customers
    • How to Engage UGC - What is the process of engaging with your audience, how to connect?
      • Listen - They will care how much you know when they know how much you care. Who, What, Where, When & Why are they sharing?
      • Find -Find their conversations about your brand to be able to connect & communicate in a more personal way.
      • #Hashtags - Get Started with a few brand specific Hashtags of your own. #BigB
      • Reciprocation- A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected. Everyone likes to be rewarded so share some gratitude.