Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising

    • Advertising - On line digital advertising has matured since it began on Facebook in 2004. With advanced analytics & measurable metrics, we can now target ads so that they are non-disruptive, relevant & useful. Roughly 80% of web traffic goes to page 1 of Google search results where the first content displayed are advertisements. By aligning your advertisements with your target customer's buyer's persona, the more successful your ad campaign will be.
    • Strategy - A successful digital advertising campaign requires planning & management. Customers who fit your target customer demographic can be identified & categorized to help align your products or services with your potential customer.
      • Who - Identify your target audience & their buying persona. You can identify your ideal buyer persona by combining real information & some educated guesswork.
      • Where - Next, find what social channels they are using & understand how they are using them. All of the social channels have a different audience & are used in different ways. By knowing who, you can more easily find where your target audience is. The top two channels your target are almost always guaranteed to be found are Facebook & Google.
        • Facebook - Advertisements created for Facebook should focus more on Interest. As a social network Facebook is used for entertainment & interpersonal relationships.
        • Google - Advertisements created for Facebook should focus more on Intent. Google users are there to achieve a result.
      • When -- There are typically three stages to a Buyer's Journey:
        • Awareness - Originally this was the only stage where digital ads were targeting. Improvements have been made to target ads in every stage through buying decision. Create offers to information that leads potential customers back to your website. Measure your Cost Per Click (CPC) & similar metrics.
          • Pixels - Ad networks, such as Facebook generate bits of code that you can embed into your website which are called pixels.This helps you deliver advertisements to people who visit your website. These pixels allow you to advertise directly to your potential customer based on their actions with your website, known as Retargeting.
          • Lookalike Audiences - These let you target advertisements to a larger audience who demonstrates similarities in profiles & activity.
        • Consideration - Possible customers are trying to solve a problem or need. Here is where you wan to generate ad content that is conversion focused. Here is the ideal time to offer knowledge & answer questions. Track results with things like form submission.
        • Decision - Here is where your potential customer is ready to buy but needs a final push. Help them make their decision with offers, trials & demonstrations. Follow the sales to measure success.
    • Content - Make it relevant if you want it to work.
      • Quality / Relevance Score - When you are getting a higher score, you ads are better targeted to your potential customer. Making your ads with quality content will improve your score & save you money. There are steps you can take to improve your relevance:
        • Be Specific - Here is a game of balance between Reach & Performance. If you target to wide a range of audience, you lose performance & results. Get to tight on performance & not enough potential customers will see your ad.
        • Be Relevant - Make content that engages your target audience's interests. Give value using images & video where you can.
        • Be Fresh - Stale advertisements are about as exciting as old news. After time, the ad becomes less effective.
        • Be Aligned - Be sure that your ad is aligned with your content to avoid confusion & drop off.
        • Test - Constantly monitor, test & adjust your ads to discover ways to improve their performance.
    • Network possibilities - Not every network offers the same features. To help you make informed decisions, it is critical to know what capabilities are offered on the network &, is your target audience on that network.
      • Facebook - The largest social network has more users than people in any single country on Earth. How Facebook is used dictates what you should consider when creating ad content for delivery on Facebook. Lead based ads work best on Facebook - which includes Messenger and Instagram.
      • Instagram - A growing & popular network, over half of their users find new brands & products through Instagram. Create photos, videos & stories with strong visual content.
      • LinkedIn - With half a billion users, LinkedIn is a great place to advertise. Use targeting to reach your potential customers directly. You can use Sponsored Content, Text or, Sponsored InMail messaging.
      • Twitter - If you find that your audience is primarily using Twitter, you may want to consider advertising there. You can Promote Tweets, Promote your Account & Promote Trends that are meaningful to your target audience.
      • Pinterest - With over 200 million active users, most of whom are female & looking for ideas, Pinterest is a potential place to consider advertising. Check to confirm if it aligns with your product or service that will be meaningful to this type of audience.
      • SnapChat - Here you find a much younger audience from the 18 to 34 year old demographic. SnapChat users are often quicker to adopt & share new trends. You can create Snap Ads that display in between regular content. Users can create Lenses and Filters that allow them to associate your brand with their Chats.
      • YouTube - A huge search utility that is widely used can be a great place to consider advertising. YouTube users are demographically younger than Facebook or LinkedIn & consume more streaming video than any other platform. Here you can create Homepage ads, Search ads or TrueView ads.
      • Google AdWords - Not a social network like the others however, it is the one of the largest advertising methods on Earth. Over 40,000 searches are performed on Google every second & this means a lot of exposure opportunity. There are a variety of ad types, including text based on Key Words. Optimize with 5 to 20 Key Words per ad campaign.
    • Ad budgeting - This is where you focus on Return on Investment (ROI) for your dollars spent on a Bid. Divide your number of new Customers by the Lead-to-Customer rate, then divide how many conversions you need by the average conversion rate. This will determine the number of Conversions needed to get one Sale. From that number, you can take your Lifetime Value amount and dived that by the number of clicks needed to know your Bid amount.
      • Bids - These are known as the maximum amount you will pay for a desired action on your ad, like an auction. Everyone is competing for bid space & networks are letting advertisers bid.
      • Lifetime Value LVT - This is a formula based on the Average Annual Revenue multiplied by the Average Customer Lifespan minus cost of Servicing the customer.
      • Conversions - An estimate of Average B2B Conversion Rates is 7% - these are the people who submit a form or a link to your website and becomes a lead.
      • Lead-to-Customer - This when a targeted audience becomes a buyer. After converting an audience member to a lead, you may average 10% of leads to sales metrics.