Engineering Design and Problem Solving

13037300 Engineering Design and Problem Solving

Recommended Grade Levels: 11-12

Prerequisite: Algebra I & Geometry; Recommended-two STEM credits

Credit: 1

Description: The Engineering Design and Problem Solving course is the creative process of solving problems by identifying needs and then devising solutions. The solution may be a product, technique, structure, or process depending on the problem. Science aims to understand the natural world, while engineering seeks to shape this world to meet human needs and wants. Engineering design takes into consideration limiting factors or "design under constraint." Various engineering disciplines address a broad spectrum of design problems using specific concepts from the sciences and mathematics to derive a solution. The design process and problem solving are inherent to all engineering disciplines.

Engineering Design and Problem Solving reinforces and integrates skills learned in previous mathematics and science courses. This course emphasizes solving problems, moving from well-defined toward more open-ended, with real-world application. Students will apply critical-thinking skills to justify a solution from multiple design options. Additionally, the course promotes interest in and understanding of career opportunities in engineering.

Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.