Advanced Algebra II

03100600 Advanced Algebra II

Recommended Grade Levels: 10-12

Prerequisite: Final grade of 90 in Geometry or 80 in Advanced Geometry. Students who do not meet criteria may appeal to the AP Committee to be considered for enrollment. Must maintain six weeks average of 70 or above. Failing grade will result in automatic removal to the equivalent regular course.

Credit: 1

Description: In Algebra II, students will build on the knowledge and skills for mathematics in Kindergarten-Grade 8 and Algebra I. Students will broaden their knowledge of quadratic functions, exponential functions, and systems of equations. Students will study logarithmic, square root, cubic, cube root, absolute value, rational functions, and their related equations. Students will connect functions to their inverses and associated equations and solutions in both mathematical and real-world situations. In addition, students will extend their knowledge of data analysis and numeric and algebraic methods.