Dual Credit US History

03340100 Dual Credit US History 1301 (Fall) and 1302 (Spring)

Recommended Grade Levels: 11

Prerequisite: GPA of 3.0 at end of sophomore year. Must complete all admission requirements for Blinn, including, a passing mark on the Reading section on the TSI Assessment and payment of semester tuition.

Credit: 1 (0.5 for 1301 and 0.5 for 1302)

Description: 1301 - A survey of United States History that begins with the migrations of people to the western hemisphere and continues through the Civil War and Reconstruction Period. The course focuses on the periods of discovery, colonization, revolution, and nation building. Material presented covers a wide variety of topics, encompassing social, cultural, intellectual, military, and political history.

1302 - A survey of United States History from 1877 to the present. The course covers industrial, social, and political problems from 1877 to the emergence of the United States as a world power in the twentieth century. Material presented covers a wide variety of topics including the Gilded Age, the Progressive Period, World War I, the Depression and the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, and contemporary events

College credit: Three semester college hours for 1301 and three semester college hours for 1302.