Advanced Floral Design

N1300270 Advanced Floral Design

Recommended Grade Levels: 11-12

Prerequisite: Floral Design

Credit: 1

Description: In Advanced Floral Design, students gain advanced knowledge and skills specifically needed to enter the workforce as floral designers or as freelance floral event designers, with an emphasis on specialty designs and occasion-specific designs and planning. Students are also prepared to enter postsecondary certification or degree programs in floral design or special events design. Students build on the knowledge base from Principles and Elements of Floral Design and are introduced to more advanced floral design concepts. In addition, students gain knowledge of the design elements and planning techniques used to produce unique specialty floral designs that support the goals and objectives of an occasion or event.

Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.