Driving Questions

  1. How can I as an environmentally conscious person effectively reduce my carbon footprint - 6

  2. How can we demonstrate the impact of water movement on the world - 7

  3. How can we help people or animals survive in extreme temperatures?

  4. How can we as urban planners design a community that minimizes the human impact on the Earth's surface? - 6

  5. How can we design a sustainable community on Mars? - 7

  6. How can I artistically share my vision for Virginia's future based on the stories of Virginia's past? - 8

  7. How can I conserve resources and preserve the planet?

  8. How can we improve habitats for animals in captivity?

  9. How do we as energy consumers actively respond to weather phenomena that affects a community? 6

  10. How can we decrease the rate of harmful environmental change in order to sustain biodiversity? 7

  11. How do we use science to solve a crime?