Code the Drone

Code the Codrone

Code the Codrone to fly semi-autonomously through an obstacle course

I OWN A drone. Maybe you do, too. I use mine to make simple videos and take photos. Drones are quite popular these days, and you can get a nice one without spending too much money. Oh, I'm talking about the remotely controlled flying vehicles with four rotors, not the bigger drones scientists use to study climate change and stuff. Those cost a lot of money.

Small drones like mine are easy to fly---a skilled pilot can hover and fly in just about any direction, which makes them great for recording video. But how does a drone actually fly? Ah, this is an excellent opportunity to look at some physics.

There are four basic physics principles that control flight: thrust, drag, weight and lift. The physics of flight is affected by the speed at which the rotors on the drone spin. This a great video that explains what is happening as the drone flies and changes direction.

Safety Drone Checklist

  1. Place caution barriers in the hallway.

  2. Always maintain the minimum safe distance from the drone of 5 feet.

  3. Never fly the drone near the walls, ceiling or other people.

  4. Never fly the drone at more than 100 % power.

  5. Never fly the drone for more than 10 yards (distance between my room and the art room door).

  6. If another student is in the area, hit the stop button on the chromebook.

Failure to follow any of the safety practices will result in the loss of turn with the drone.