GOES Weather Satellite

Lesson Title:

Decoding Weather Satellite Data with G-Predict, Airspy, and RTL-SDR

Grade Level:

Middle School (Grades 6-8)


Two 50-minute class sessions

Lesson Overview:

Students will learn about the GOES weather satellites, and how to use G-Predict, Airspy, and an RTL-SDR to receive and decode data transmitted by these satellites. This hands-on lesson will involve setting up the necessary software and hardware, tracking satellites, and interpreting the received data.

Learning Objectives:

Materials Needed:

Session 1: Introduction and Setup

Introduction to GOES Satellites (15 minutes)

Setting up G-Predict (20 minutes)

Introduction to RTL-SDR (15 minutes)

Session 2: Receiving and Analyzing Data

Setting up Airspy and RTL-SDR (20 minutes)

Receiving Satellite Data (20 minutes)

Data Analysis and Discussion (10 minutes)


Additional Resources:

Safety Considerations:

By the end of this lesson, students should have a basic understanding of how weather satellite data is transmitted and received, and the practical skills to set up a system to receive such data. This lesson also aims to inspire interest in satellite technology and meteorology.