Snap Circuits

Snap Circuits is a line of electronic kits manufactured by Elenco Electronics and aimed at children eight years and older. The kits come in a variety of sizes, offering a range of building experience for the user, and may include motors, lamps and speakers. They are both COOL and FUN.

Kit 203 - We have four of these kits

Kit should be returned in this condition

These are currently unavailable - We have two large kits with tons of different activities. Activities are worth either 5 or 10 points. You may work individually or in groups of two or three. Remember to take a photo of your completed project and add it to your portfolio.

Link to projects 100 - 305

Link to Projects 306 - 501

Popular Projects

Projects 1 - 50 are worth 5 points.

Projects 51 -511 are worth 10 points.