Social-Emotional Wellness

A goal without a plan is just a wish. (stickerbrand)

Structure your day

Have family meals

Limit media


Reach out

Help others

Practice good sleep hygiene

Stay positive and future-focused

Self-care is key to good health! One way to take care of your self is to create an Emotional First Aid Kit.

1.  SOUNDS - Create a list on your phone using any streaming service like Spotify or Apple Music with songs and music that make you feel happy and energized. 

2.  SIGHTS- Put images on your binder or bedroom walls that make you smile.  Add a screensaver and lock screen on your phone that give you joy.

3. TOUCH - Have things to hold and touch that bring you joy such as soft clothing and blankets, stuffed animals and real animals/pets.  Squeeze a stress ball.  

4.  SMELLS - Find smells that make you feel happy and relaxed, or just make you remember happy times.

5. HUMANS - Make a list of people who love you and that you love.  Reach out to them with kindness.

6. TAKE ACTION - Do an activity that makes you feel better like going for a jog, drawing, cooking, cleaning, organizing, writing, and express yourself in a judgment                                      free zone. 

Feeling Stressed?  Select an activity from the list below, and practice doing it for the next 10 minutes. You may even want to try something you haven’t tried before to see if it’s relaxing and something you might enjoy. 

Simon Sinek: Change Your Future

Milly Moe offers inspiration to teenage girls in "Dear teenage girls....."

In this the "Inside IQ Quest" talk, Simon Sinek talks about 4 key components that keep this generation of teenagers from building deep meaningful relationships.  As you understand what is holding you back, what is needed to build them, then you, too, can start to form meaningful relationships.    

Identity helps us understand that we all hide behind masks to fit in but removing them and being true to ourselves may be actually make us feel better.  

Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.