Advanced Placement (AP)®

*Universities recommend an AP® course; highly selective universities recommend multiple AP® courses.

Advanced Placement® (AP) allows students the opportunity to earn credit for college, and prepares them for the rigor of university courses. Students can earn college credit through adequate performance on the AP® Examination. Students interested in enrolling in an AP® course should demonstrate excellent study habits. See your counselor or course instructor for details. 

AP English Literature and Composition

AP English Language and Composition

AP Calculus AB

AP Statistics

AP Chemistry

AP Human Geography

AP Psychology

AP United States History

AP World History

AP United States Government and Politics

AP Studio Art Drawing

AP Studio Art 2-D Design

AP Music Theory

AP Computer Science A

AP Computer Science Principles

AP Spanish Language and Culture

AP Literature and Culture

Five Methods for Determining Student Eligibility for  Fee Waivers

Eligible students qualify for the Test Fee Program through one of the following methods:

Free Lunch Program: The parent or guardian has filled out an application and they are approved for the free lunch program. (Their income is 130% or less of the poverty level figures on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Level Tables.) These are the lowest income families at or below the poverty level.

Reduced Lunch Program: The parent or guardian has filled out an application and they are approved for the reduced lunch program. (Their income is 131% to 185% of the poverty level figures on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Level Tables.) These are low-income families at or below the poverty level.

Social Security Program: The student’s family receives assistance under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act.

Medicaid Program: The student is eligible to receive medical assistance under the Medicaid program under Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

Declaration of Income: If a student would like to be considered for the AP Test Fee Program, but he or she is not a participant in the Free and/or Reduced Price Lunch Program, Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act, or the Medicaid program under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, he or she may still qualify by having the parent/guardian certify that the student’s family taxable income does not exceed the 2016-17 Annual Low-Income Levels. If this method is used, the parent/guardian must sign the Low-Income Student Verification Form 1616.