🎓 High School & Beyond

The High School and Beyond Planning Tool allows the students to create goals, map out a Four Year Course Plan so they know which classes to take during high school. 

For Students & Parents

What is the High School & Beyond Plan? 🔻

The High School & Beyond Plan revolves around three questions: 

Who am I?, What can I become?, and How do I become that? 

The High School & Beyond Plan, a graduation requirement, helps students get the most out of high school and think about their future. 

Students work with school counselors and advisors to create their own individual plan, the “personalized pathway", throughout high school and revise their plan annually to accommodate changing interests or postsecondary goals on what they expect to do the year following graduation from high school. 

The postsecondary aspirations may include pathways for application to four-year colleges or universities, two-year community or technical colleges, apprenticeship programs, industry-standard certificate programs, military training, or on-the-job training.

What are the High School & Beyond Plan requirements?🔻

The High School & Beyond Plan is used to guide student middle school and high school experience and prepare him or her for postsecondary education or training and career.

A school district must update the High School and Beyond Plan for each student who has not earned a score of level 3 or level 4 on the middle school mathematics assessment by ninth grade, to ensure that the student takes a mathematics course in both ninth and tenth grades. This course may include career and technical equivalencies in mathematics.

School districts are encouraged to involve parents and guardians in the process of developing and updating the High School and Beyond Plan.

The Personalized Pathway Requirement🔻

There are a total of 8 courses outside of the required core 17 of the 24 credits that students can use in planning their Personalized Pathway.

Definition includes:

Checklist of Requirements🔻

_____ Career Interest Inventory

_____ Educational Goals

_____ Four-Year Course Plan

_____ Personalized Pathway Requirement

_____ Resume or Activity Log by end of 12th Grade

_____ State Assessments and Other Assessments

_____ Interventions, Academic Supports, and Courses if State Assessment not passed by end of 10th grade

_____ Transcript and Progress Review

OSPI Resources for High School and Beyond Planning 🔻

OSPI’s Career Guidance WA has grades 6-12 guidance curriculum for plan development, materials, worksheet, and plan template.


State Board of Education http://www.sbe.wa.gov/graduation.php

College Admissions http://www.wsac.wa.gov/college-admissions

Community and Technical Colleges https://www.sbctc.edu/our-colleges/search-college-programs/default.aspx

CTE Programs of Study http://www.k12.wa.us/CareerTechEd/Clusters/default.aspx