R7 8th GLE

Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors.

Brief Response Frame

The extent to which (Title of Text) by (Creator's name), the (filmed/live production) version of the (story/drama), (Title of Text) by (Creator's name), (stays faithful to/departs from) the original (text/script) is (explain). One choice made by the (director/actors) is (explain and evaluate), for example (cite specific details [in quotes] from each text). In these (passages/excerpts/selections)(Explain/analyze Evidence). Another choice made by the (director/actors) is (evaluate), for example (cite specific details [in quotes] from each text). In these (passages/excerpts/selections)(Explain/analyze Evidence).