R5 11th GLE

Brief Response Frame

In (Title of Text) by (Creator's name), the author's [choice of where to begin or end a story contributes to its overall structure (explain), for example (provide specific details [quoted/cited] from text). The choice of where to begin or end a story contributes to its overall meaning (explain), for example (provide specific details [quoted/cited] from text). The choice of where to begin or end a story contributes to its aesthetic impact by (explain), for example (provide specific details [quoted/cited] from text).] or [choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution contributes to its overall structure (explain), for example (provide specific details [quoted/cited] from text). The choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution contributes to its overall meaning (explain), for example (provide specific details [quoted/cited] from text). The choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution contributes to its aesthetic impact by (explain), for example (provide specific details [quoted/cited] from text).] Where the text leaves matters uncertain is (explain multiple interpretation possibilities), for example (provide specific details [quoted/cited] from text). In this (passage/excerpt/selection)(Explain/analyze Evidence).