Grading Policies

Grading Policies

To learn more about ACC CLS Department grading policies, faculty should go to the English Department website: to read the document called “What Students Can Expect in CLS Courses.” They should look at the specific course syllabi, giving special attention to sections on course requirements and grading.  

Grade Changes

If the student believes that an error has been made in the assignment of a grade, she should bring it to the attention of the instructor within three months after the grade was awarded and ask for it to be corrected. They are submitted to the department chair for approval. 

If a faculty member needs to submit a grade change, he/she must use a Grade Change Request Form. (The form linked here is for illustration purposes only.) The Grade Change Request Form is not kept on the ACC forms inventory web page. Faculty must email Student Records and request the form directly from them. 

Request Grade Change Forms from Tammy Mitchell:  

To access the Grade Change Form:  


An instructor may choose to award a grade of I (Incomplete) if a student was unable to complete all of the objectives for the passing grade in a course due to a catastrophic event during the last two weeks of the semester, and has completed at least 50% of the assignments. Consideration should be given to course load, job, and family obligations when carrying an I into a new semester for completion.  The completion date is determined by the instructor but may not be later than the final withdrawal deadline in the subsequent semester. The Report of Incomplete Form is submitted to the department chair as soon as the I is awarded. The form can be found here, in the Admissions and Records office, in the campus manager’s office, or in the CLS Department office.  

The department chair will approve a grade change from I to a performance grade (A, B, C, D, or F) for the course before the deadline. An I that is not resolved by the deadline will automatically be converted to an F. 

Incomplete Grade Form:

Report of Incomplete Grade.pdf

In Progress: IP (INRW only)

In Progress (IP) is a grading option for Integrated Reading and Writing courses. An IP is reserved for students that have yet to demonstrate mastery in needed skills to pass the course even though they have made every effort to attend class and are extremely hard workers. A student can only earn an IP twice. The third time the student must receive a letter grade for the course.