Elgin Campus (EGN

Elgin Campus (EGN)

1501 W. US Hwy 290, Elgin, Texas 78621

(512) 223-9400  |  Website

Adjunct Offices & Phone Numbers

1204 . . . . (512) 223-9449

 Faculty Lounge: 3rd floor of building 1000.

Elgin serves Travis and Bastrop counties and offers a broad selection of college classes for university transfer and career training. 

Duplication Room

The duplication room, where faculty members can copy syllabi and handouts, or fill out work orders for duplication room workers to make copies, is in room 1108.


The mailroom, where faculty can send and receiver inter-campus mail and have students drop-off work, is located in room 1108.

Students should drop off their work with mail room staff; the clerk will date-stamp it and put it in the correct mailbox

Campus Special Features

Elgin is home to the college’s Veterinary Technician and Sustainable Agriculture Entrepreneurship programs. ACC Elgin is also home to Elgin Early College High School. 

Campus Map (EGN)

Campus Info (EGN)