Annabelle Reece

 is bound to 

chart the unknown

Annabelle Reece is excited for the next few years of her life. While she isn't sure where she would like to go to college, she is very sure she wants to go into marine biology. Her passion stems from wanting to explore the unknown parts of the ocean. “My interest has to be the study of the undiscovered parts of the ocean. I have to say a passion of mine would be to study and discover more about aquatic animals.” In a decade, Annabelle says she sees herself living somewhere warm and with a marine biology degree studying aquatic animals. 

While Annabelle says she is ready and excited for graduation, she says she is sad about moving away from home and all her great memories. She says some of her best memories are from traveling to France her junior year! “My favorite high school memory would be traveling to France through the school. I traveled through upper France with my friends and was able to independently explore France. By far my favorite part of the trip was going to all the museums and cathedrals; especially the Louvre.” 

In our school there are many influential people, but Annabelle says the most influential person in her life was her swim coach freshman to junior year, “My freshman through junior year high school swim coach, Coach  Kelly M. She was always a supportive figure and helped me overcome obstacles in swimming, such as covid. She also focused on building a team and I truly felt that I had a second family and enjoyed coming to practice to see her and everyone. Even though she had to leave my senior year we still keep in contact about swimming and life and I feel that she truly changed the trajectory of my high school swimming career.” 

Her advice to the younger students is a reminder of taking your time and making sure to pace yourself in school work. “My best advice for underclassmen is that procrastination is the devil, do you work ahead of time so you can enjoy your days when everyone else is in “crunch time.” Her final message as she leaves coincides with her advice, “Be patient with everything: yourself, teachers, peers, and your grades. It's all going to work out.” 

Follow the life advice of Billy Joel just as Annabelle does, and “Don’t wait for answers, just take your chances” - Billy Joel.