Five reasons why “Die Hard” is in fact a Christmas movie 

Over the years there has been a lot of debate on the topic of what makes a Christmas movie a Christmas movie. While there are plenty of definitions to what makes a Christmas movie. What I have consistently seen while looking for a definition is: References to the yuletide, a love story of some kind, a movie where one learns and changes, or family fun.

Therefore, I would have to say “Die Hard” falls into this definition. While it may not be your family's traditional movie, here are five reasons why watching it should be your new tradition. 

Setting is a big factor to a movie, it gives the story a clarified theme. When reading literature or consuming media of anytype, setting is one of the most important factors, which you should always look into. What does “Die Hard” have in common with other Christmas movies? It takes place on Christmas!

The opening scene depicts the movie's main character arriving at the LAX airport with a gift in hand, meeting his wife at her work and staying during their office Christmas party. When do people have Christmas parties? Christmas. Also through multiple scenes there are presents displayed along with other Christmas decorations. With setting making the background/clarifying the meaning of a movie, how could one argue that Christmas isn't a big role in “Die Hard”?

Christmas movies often have one of four themes. Something to do with a love story, the redemption or transformation of a character, family coming together for the holidays, as well as traditions being proven to be important. I would say “Die Hard” fits. The entire movie is about a man trying to get back to his kids but is blocked by an external force, terrorists. While your average Christmas movie won't have any big action scenes, or policemen saving the day, this is definitely one of the more interesting movies to spice up your holiday festivities. 

What is also a large part of Christmas movies? Christmas music! In every Christmas movie there is some form of Christmas music whether it's instrumental, or pop based, or acapella. What does “Die Hard” have? Plenty of Christmas music! It has classics like “let It Snow '' which plays at the final scene of the movie. During the two hours and eleven minutes of the film there are at least three other audible songs I was able to recognise. “Winter Wonderland”, “Christmas in Hollis”, and “Ode to Joy” all prominent Christmas songs everyone will notice when they hear them. 

If the music, setting, and decorations aren't enough to convince you, maybe the writers can! Steven E de Souza, the Co-writer of the “Die Hard” franchise openly admits it's a Christmas movie! The writer went so far as to tweet, on the app known as X or Twitter, that it was in fact a Christmas movie. You can debate about “Die Hard” not being a Christmas movie all you’d like, but you can only argue so much when the person who wrote the movie says it is in fact a Christmas movie. 

If your family is looking for a new tradition this holiday season, don't look any further. Take a page from my family's book. Order Chinese food and watch, in my opinion, the best Christmas movie ever, “Die Hard.” Enjoy the subtle references to the yule season and take a break from the classic in your face Christmas movies. Its time to become a “Die Hard” Christmas fan.

by: Madeline Lancon