
Atal honetan orain arte argitaraturiko edukien gehiengoak bertan jarraituko du, eduki berriak gehituko zaizkion arren. Errezetak gustatzen zaizkizuela jakinarazi didazuenez, atal honetan berriak argitaratzen joango naiz; gure lagun Jamie Oliverrenak batik bat. Bera ere, gu bezala, etxean konfinatua dago eta bertatik errezeta-bideoak prestatzen eta argitaratzen ari da, ondorengo lelopean:

Keep Cooking & Carry On!


Chopped Salad Keep Cooking Carry On Jamie Oliver Buddy.mp4
Jamie Oliver's Chopped Salad

Keep Cooking & Carry On

How to make Chocolate Brownies _ Jamie Oliver-720p (1).mp4
Do you remember Jamie Oliver? We watched a couple of his videos at school...
Here you have one of his delicious recipes!
I'm sure you remember Jonas. Don't you?
Go to Wormworldsaga.com and live his adventures!
The Present - OFFICIAL-720p.mp4
"THE PRESENT"A wonderful short film.Enjoy!
Play Wordshake and see how many points you get in three minutes. Longer words score more points!

Arthur Conan Doyle.mp4
We talked about Sherlock Holmes at school. Do you remember him?Here you have some information about his author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and his most famous character, Sherlock Holmes.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes_Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.pdf
Here you have "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".There are twelve adventures in this book.
The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet.pdf
Here you have the audio link:The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet
The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle.pdf
Here you have the audio link:The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle