PSHE & Personal Development

At TTC we believe that our Personal Development curriculum should be the vehicle that enables all students, regardless of background, to lead remarkable lives. We put listening skills, critical thinking, oracy, rhetorical skills and positive and healthy relationships at the heart of this curriculum. 

Developing Moral Capital

We want our young people to be able to make positive, moral decisions throughout their lives through adopting the principle of respect - for self, for others and for the world . We explore a range of moral issues at the personal, societal and world levels. The curriculum is designed to respond to the changing social and political landscape so that students have the opportunity to discuss and engage with the most relevant ideas and issues of their time. They will also explore the ethics of budgeting and debt in the context of money management.

Developing Social Capital

Whilst students complete key tasks in the Personal Development curriculum, students are able to develop their critical thinking skills and demonstrate this through discussion, debate and presentation in lessons. Our young people's voices are critical in enabling them to converse with others successfully and with confidence and we embrace opportunities for them to do this in a safe, inclusive environment.

Developing Cultural Capital

At TTC, our Personal Development curriculum explores the  Fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. This supports  our students in terms of opening up their world view and understanding  the place for diversity within a multicultural society. Our PD curriculum along with our assembly programme support students to find out about themselves and others linking their lives to the communities in which they belong. We cover themes such as the nature and value of friendship, working positively with others and celebrations from a range of faiths and world events including celebrations such as Eid, Nelson Mandela Day and Earth Day. 

Developing Knowledge Capital

Our Personal Development curriculum is based upon the key knowledge and skills that our students need to be able to thrive. Students will learn about what it means to be in a healthy relationship, how to recognise coercive control and understand consent. They will also gain key knowledge through topics covering: a range of mental health issues (and how to support themselves or seek help); a full package of careers knowledge including entrepreneurship and careers pathways, and different types of extremism and understanding where it can start. 

Developing Community Capital

We encourage our students to be outward facing as members of the local, national and global community.  Our students engage in a range of social enterprise and charitable giving events and organisations; we are proud of the contribution our young people make in our community and they are proud to represent themselves, their family and TTC in these ventures.

Curriculum Roadmaps - KS3

Curriculum Roadmaps - KS4

Key Stage 3

PHSE & Citizenship prepares students for an informed and active involvement in family, social, economic and community life. At Key Stage 3 students study aspects of personal behavior, responsibility and citizenship with particular reference to:

Pupils are taught to be tolerant of and to understand the views of others.

A range of techniques are used to enhance teaching and learning of Citizenship and PSHE at Key Stage 3. The schemes of work address both the statutory and non-statutory requirements of Citizenship and PSHE in a way that motivates and encourages all to participate and respond at their own ability level. The use of ICT is an integral part of a number of Citizenship and PSHE units as well as the use of multi media, Internet and video.

At present years 7 to 11 get at least 1 hour per week of PSHE delivered via the PM tutor lessons. Current taught units include, Health and Sex Education, Democracy, Rights and Responsibilities and aspects of Careers Education. Pupils are taught in mixed ability tutor groups.