Canteen and Free School Meals


At the Academy we use an automated biometric recognition system which measures a student’s thumbprint from which they can access school based accounts.

This is used for students to access printers, photocopiers and the ‘cashless’ catering system.  You will need to top up your child's account online. If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) then the allocated amount is in their account each day. This won't show on your ParentPay account when you login.  You can find out more about ParentPay by clicking on this link.

The value of a free school meal for 2024 - 2025 is £2.53.  To find out if you are eligible to apply for FSM, please refer to the IOW Council website here.

Ryde Streateries - Master Tariff & Hot Deli - Sep 2024.pptx
Ryde MMB Connect - Sep 24 (1).pptx
Ryde Streateries - Master Tariff & Hot Deli - Sep 2024.pptx

Year 7 Hints and Tips For the Canteen 

Mid Morning Break : 10.25am - 10.40am

Lunch: Two Sessions Either - 12.20pm - 12.50pm or 12.50pm - 1.20pm

Offer 1 - Main Meal with either a Water or Cake/Cookie

Offer 2 - Pasta with a Topping with either a Water or Cake/Cookie

Offer 3 - Jacket Potato & Filling with either a Water or Cake/Cookie

Offer 4 - Boxed Salad with either a Water or Cake/Cookie

Offer 5 - Just Sandwich Range with either a Water or Cake/Cookie

5 Point Checklist

Aspens Streateries AW 24-25 Menu.pdf

Free School Meals

Your child might be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)  if you access:  

Income Support

Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

The guaranteed element of Pension Credit

Child Tax Credit (provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)

Working Tax Credit run-on

Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income not exceeding £7,400 a year (after tax & not including any benefits you get)

To  find out if you are eligible to apply for FSM, please refer to the IOW Council website here. 

The value of a free school meal for 2024- 2025 is £2.53.  

Pupil Premium

If your child is eligible for 'free school meals' and you register them for this, we'll receive extra funding called 'pupil premium'. We use this extra money to improve the educational provision and resources at the school. 

What is pupil premium funding? 

Pupil premium funding from the government is given to schools to help pupils reach their full potential, regardless of their background or financial situation. It's provided for pupils who: 

At Ryde Academy we receive for every eligible pupil who is registered for free school meals.  This extra money could make a real difference to the quality of education we offer. 

For example, we've previously used pupil premium funding for educational provision/resources and academic interventions.