Computing Statement of Intent:

"To lead and deliver a high-quality computing education that utilises new technology in a socially responsible and safe way in order to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand the wider global community and act as responsible digital citizens."

Our Computing curriculum addresses the challenges and opportunities offered by the technologically rich world in which we live. We use computing to enrich our  curriculum across the key stages and ensure coverage of the national curriculum expectations..  We aim for the children to confidently and independently use and apply information technology skills to support and extend their learning. We develop a culture where the use of computing becomes second nature to our pupils, thus ensuring they are ready and able to embrace the technological advances of the future.


In each year group, the children learn how to navigate the Internet safely and communicate respectfully through emails and the virtual learning portal through Google Classrooms.

Our Computing  curriculum will enable pupils to:


Computing National Curriculum

Copy of Purple Mash Scheme of Work Overview.pdf


computing 23_24.pptx

Computing Overview at Beacon