Statement of Intent

"To give our children the opportunity to be involved in, enjoy, understand and appreciate the visual arts and enable them to build the creative skills needed to reach their full potential using the language of art."

Art and Design

At Beacon, we want to inspire children to be curious, confident and critical artists. We recognise that art and design contribute to the whole child's development emotionally, aesthetically, physically, socially, and cognitively. It allows all children to express themselves imaginatively and creatively and develop their understanding of and respond to the world around them. At Beacon Academy, we provide opportunities for children to work with professional artists; children having the opportunity to work with a local artist has been invaluable as it has provided children with an appreciation for local art, making links with the community and enrichment within the curriculum.

We provide opportunities for pupils to:


National Curriculum 

Beacon Art and DT Handbook 23_24.pptx

Beacon Art/DT Handbook

Beacon Academy Art and DT curriculum map .xlsx

Beacon Medium Term Plans