IB2 History

2087y-H / 2088y-H

IB2 History SL/HL

Full Year / 1 Credit / Grade 12


  • IB History Year 2 Standard Level: A June- IB Score Up to Date (SIB on report card) of 4 or above.
  • IB History Year 2 Higher Level: A June- IB Score Up to Date (SIB on report card) of 5 or above.

Please review the criteria of Year 2 IB courses.


IB History is a two-year course in 20th Century World History. The second year is a continuation of Topics 4, 10, and 12 from the IB History Syllabus: Rights and Protest, Authoritarian States, and the Cold War, respectively. Under Rights and Protest, students in the second year will cover a second Case Study: The Civil Rights Movement in the United States, 1954-1965. Students will examine Castro’s Cuba as an Authoritarian State, and will continue their study of the Cold War by examining superpower tensions and rivalries with a focus on leaders, countries, and crises from more than one region in the world.

In addition to the above, HL students will complete an independent study of one topic of their choice from the Paper 3 IB syllabus focusing on the Americas. Students at both the Standard and Higher levels are required to complete an independently-initiated research project that is internally assessed, the Historical Investigation. Special attention will be given to preparation for the final IB examination in May, which consists of a document-based paper and two essay papers at the Standard Level, with an additional three essays at the Higher Level.


*Assessment is aligned with the IBO course assessment requirements.