
The ACS Athens English Department...

...challenges native or near-native speakers of the English language to develop critical thinking skills through the study of language and literature. Our courses promote an appreciation of the wealth of the language and facilitate the clear expression of ideas. Writing, reading, listening, speaking and viewing are developed in order for the students to be adequately prepared for the continuation of the Language A Program. The role of cultural and historical context in understanding literary texts is explored throughout the Language A program, with special emphasis in the interdisciplinary Grade 9 and Grade 10 courses, which have a team-taught integrated English and Social Studies curriculum

The English Department objectives are:

1. Know and understand:

    • a variety of texts, works and/or performances
    • elements of literary, linguistic and/or performance craft
    • features of particular genres or text type
    • the role of contexts in which texts are written and/or received

2. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate:

    • the ways in which the use of language creates meaning
    • the use and effect of literary, linguistic or theatrical techniques
    • the relationships among different texts
    • the ways texts offer perspectives on human concerns

3. Selection, use and application of appropriate skills and techniques:

    • demonstrate an ability to present ideas in clear, logical, and persuasive ways
    • use the oral and written forms of the language in a range of styles, registers, media and situations