IB2 Comp. Science


Computer Science IB 2 Standard Level


Computer Science IB 2 Higher Level

Full Year / 1 Credit / Grade 12


IB Diploma students see IB Policy Prerequisites

DP Course Students:


This is the second year of the 2-year course leading to the IB exam at Higher Level.

During the course the student will study networks, control systems, develop computational solutions and complete an internal assessment project. This will involve the ability to: identify a problem or unanswered question, design, prototype and test a proposed solution using object-oriented programming (OOP) and liaise with clients to evaluate the success of the proposed solution and make recommendations for future developments.

Students will also research various aspects of Computer Science, including technical concepts and additional subject content in greater depth based on a previously reviewed case study of an organization or scenario.


Tests/quizzes/exams/homework and lab work in accordance with IBO assessment practices