Community Resources
for Acton & Boxborough
a service of Acton-Boxborough United Way
The AB Resource Center (and AB Exchange shop) is open Mon-Thu 10am-3pm (till 7pm first Thursday of the month)!
We follow school closing/delays (snow, federal/state holiday). We are open on other school closing days (eg Feb vacation)
Critical needs : NEW underwear all sizes. See full list of donations needed here. Volunteers needed! See
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Immigration Know Your Rights and legal help information here. Inmigración Conozca sus derechos e información de ayuda legal aquí. Imigração Conheça seus direitos e informações de ajuda jurídica aqui. Imigrasyon Konnen Dwa Ou yo ak enfòmasyon legal èd isit la
Town Community Service Coordinators
The Community Resources Coordinators for each town are available to help you navigate what resources are applicable to you and help you access these resources related to financial support (incl if available food, fuel, rent, childcare, summer camps, emergency ...), healthcare (incl help to sign-up for Mass Health or finding in network doctors), substance abuse, mental health, crisis intervention, housing (emergency shelter), career and legal services, domestic violence, transportation. You can email in your language, they will use tools for interpretation.
Under age 60 : Laura Ducharme 978-929-6651. Make appointment here
Age 60 and over : Bev Hutchings 978-929-6652
Veterans : James MacRae 978-929-6614
All ages : Wendy Trinks 978-264-1735
Veterans : James MacRae 978-929-6614
For information on additional topics, Mass211 is a great resource.
Mass 211 (Call 2-1-1 from your phone) is an easy-to-remember telephone number that connects callers to information about critical health and human services available in their community. It serves as a resource for finding government benefits and services, nonprofit organizations, support groups, volunteer opportunities, donation programs, and other local resources.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Mass 211 is an easy way to find or give help in your community. Live translation is available in 140 languages.
A-B United Way is proud to support Mass211.
Emerson Health also created a website to find local help. Visit to find local resources for a wide variety of needs — including food, housing, mental health, childcare, senior care, transportation, and more.
This video explains how this works.