Children Age 0-5

Daycare, Preschool, School and After-School List

Find the latest list of daycares, preschools, and after-school programs here.   Register early for daycares and preschools, sometimes even in January/February to start in September!

Find more info on childcare assistance in the "Cost Savings Programs" tab of this webiste.

Early Intervention

If you suspect that your child has a developmental delay or needs specialized programs: 

Local town, school, and non-profit organizations for families with children aged 0-5


Town Sports

AB Youth Hockey Learn to Skate starts at age 2 and AB Youth Soccer at age 4.  See the page Children Age 5-18 section "Town Youth Sports Websites" for more details.

Activities to do at home 

Parental Hotline and Parenting Groups

Car Seats

Child drawing on colored paper