AB Exchange
The AB Resource Center (and AB Exchange shop) is open Mon-Thu 10am-3pm (till 7pm first Thursday of the month)!
We follow school closing/delays (snow, federal/state holiday). We are open on other school closing days (eg Feb vacation)
Critical needs : NEW underwear all sizes. See full list of donations needed here. Volunteers needed! See myabuw.org.
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Immigration Know Your Rights and legal help information here. Inmigración Conozca sus derechos e información de ayuda legal aquí. Imigração Conheça seus direitos e informações de ajuda jurídica aqui. Imigrasyon Konnen Dwa Ou yo ak enfòmasyon legal èd isit la
What is AB Exchange?
AB Exchange is a space in the AB Resource Center where Acton and Boxborough residents can access essential items they need to thrive. Gently used clothing, backpacks, seasonal clothing, shoes and more are available thanks to the generosity of our neighbors. Stop by during AB Resource Center's opening hours to "shop" for what you need. All items are free to families who need them.
School staff: If you need specific items for a student but can't make it to the Resource Center, please fill in this form.
Donations - What we Need
Now Accepting the only following in-season (please no summer clothing now) new & consignment-quality gently used items (please ensure they are recently washed):
Ask yourself: Would I give this to a friend? (If not, please put in the Baystate Textile Bin next to the ABRC donation bin.)
NEW underwear - kids and adults - VERY HIGH NEED
NEW personal care items (full size preferred)
Shampoo & conditioner
Soap/body wash/ handsoap
Hand Sanitizer
culturally appropriate hair products and lotion (eg Shea moisture or Mielle shampoo & conditioner, Palmer’s cocoa butter...)
We do NOT accept toys or household goods (incl linens, towels, bedding, (shower) curtains etc) anymore (see here where to donate things we don't accept).
Drop off at the big grey bin with AB Resource Center logo (the white bin with AB school logo is only for recycling) located outside the Administration Building (in front of the gym wall at the circle). Please make sure any items in the bin are in closed bags.
You can also order from our Amazon Wish List (covers both the general Acton / Boxborough community as well as the Acton shelter needs)
Hours and Directions
The AB Resource Center is open Monday through Thursday 10am till 3pm.
It is located in the school's Admin Building, at 15 Charter Road, Acton MA 01720. We are behind the big glass wall in front of the entrance.
The Boxborough MART bus ($1/ride) stops right at the AB Resource Center (AB United Way) from 8:09am to 6:09pm every hour (see schedule here). It connects with the free Acton CAT bus at Roche Brothers and at the South Acton railway station.
The free Acton CAT bus stops on Mass Ave across the street from Charter Rd (0.2 miles from AB Resource Center) at 1:40pm, 2:35pm and 3:40pm (find info on the CAT here and schedule here - it is marked as "Kmart parking lot").
The donation bin is the big grey metal bin with AB Resource Center logo at the circle at the Admin Building against the wall of the gym. The white donation bin with AB Schools logo is for recycling clothing and shoes / donation to other countries - you can put in anything that the AB Resource Center doesn't need (lower quality / items not on the list above).