Supporting Our Pupils

We created this page to support our pupils and school staff with the return to school. The frameworks and approaches were thought to be helpful and relevant at a time when there was a level of anxiety for everyone including our children and young people, families and school staff. We wanted to ensure pupils and families were given reassurance and that there was a key focus on promoting a sense of felt safety. Many of these approaches and frameworks remain relevant for the recovery phase and beyond.

Within this section we have a page on transitions to aid planning and support for pupils and families with the various transitions they face throughout their academic life. We also have a section on staff wellbeing that we would encourage all practitioners to visit and engage with.

Aberdeen City Council Educational Psychology Service will be supporting schools to prepare, plan for, support and engage with learners during the ongoing recovery phase. We include information in this section on some of the psychological theories and frameworks we will be drawing upon during consultation with school staff. These approaches are evidence-based and practical. At a time when there is a wealth of information available digitally, we believe it will be helpful for Aberdeen City Council staff to have a ‘go to’ place where they can access materials and resources that can support their practices as children return to school. Many of these materials will be ones that educators are familiar with. We have illustrated how these approaches can be tailored to meet the needs of learners during the recovery phase, and provided signposting to useful links for further information.

Within this section, we have collated information on the following frameworks and models to support recovery and beyond:

Place 2Be has put together a series of resources focused on community recovery, to help Head Teachers and school staff start to bring their schools back together following recent challenging times. Drawing on themes including hope, gratitude and connectedness, these assembly and class activity ideas are intended as a universal resource for all children, and staff are invited to use them as starting points to promote emotional wellbeing and resilience for all.

Other services across the UK have created comprehensive resource packs for schools as they begin to welcome back their pupils. Below are a few Aberdeen City Council Educational Psychology Service found informative and practical for use in the Aberdeen City context.

We are asking a lot of our excellent and dedicated school staff during this time, and it's really important that we support them in looking after their own wellbeing and being kind to themselves. We have collated some ideas to support staff wellbeing and tools for school leaders to consider how to promote staff wellbeing in their settings.

Responding to grief and bereavement

Some children and young people will have experienced loss during their time away from school due to the Covid-19 pandemic. How we respond to and recognise this loss is important. The following link provides some information on ways to support children who are coping with grief and bereavement: supporting children with bereavement