Consultation in an Educational Psychology Service context aims to bring about difference at the level of the individual child, the group/class or the organisational/whole-school level. It involves a process in which concerns are raised, and a collaborative and recursive process is initiated that combines joint exploration, assessment, intervention and review. Consultation is not, in this view, an item on a menu. Consultation aims to offer to schools a more useful, egalitarian, less instrumental, individualistic form of educational psychology. Consultation works as it is intended, a greater capacity develops in the system for developing solutions, and there is less amplifying of deviance and pathology. Thus, the psychology used is of great importance.
(Patsy Wagner, 2000)Schools in Aberdeen City can access Early Intervention Consultations with an Educational Psychologist (EP) from their Locality Group for advice on individual unnamed children or whole-class/whole-school situations, supports or environments. Schools and nurseries can request an EIC by emailing their EPS locality group, an EP will then be in contact to discuss further. Please see our fact sheets below to find out more or help you prepare for consultation with an EP.
Preparing for an Early Intervention Consultation
Preparing for a Systemic Early Intervention Consultation
Pupil Voice
The Educational Psychology Service can also offer other support, for example Person Centred Planning and supporting best practice in writing and using Individual Education Plans (IEPs).
Please see the attached fact sheet for further information on how to gather pupil views in keeping with UNCRC (incorporation)(Scotland) Act 2024:
Most of our EPs have received training in Coaching with school staff from Dr Mark Adams. We have a section on here on coaching. Please also see our fact sheet on coaching to find out more and if this is something you are interested in, contact your Locality team.