Support for School Staff

Welcome to the School Staff section of the Aberdeen City Educational Psychology Service (ACCEPS) Digital Hub. In this section, we have collated information and resources to support your practice and wellbeing based on feedback from school and education staff across Aberdeen City. Please let us know if there are topics you would like more information on. Our contact details are on our homepage and you can also follow us on Twitter.

ACCEPS recognise that the health and wellbeing of all professionals working with and caring for children and young people is vitally important. Connection and communication are at the heart of good practice to ensure that our colleagues feel supported, and that they can access guidance and advice at all times. ACCEPS understand the unique contribution our school staff teams make to the lives of children and young people in Aberdeen. Emotionally well-regulated adults are better equipped to support children and young people emotionally by first ensuring their own healthy wellbeing.

Remember what they say on planes: “Put on your own oxygen mask before helping someone else.”

Within this section we have pages on: