7th/8th Plans 9/13/18

  1. Get your folder
  2. Open YouTube on your Chromebook
  3. Watch video recordings of our chorus songs
    • search the name of the song and the name of the composer/arranger
  4. You can watch a whole bunch of recordings of the same song or you can watch a few recordings of each song. It's up to you.
  5. Send me an email or share a doc with me (mdubois@wwsu.org). In that, I want you to...
    • Copy/paste a link to your favorite video you watched
    • Tell me in words why that was your favorite
    • Compare/contrast two recordings of the same song (you choose which song)

By the end of class, you should make sure you've sent the email/shared the doc. You can compare videos with friends but every student must send me their own email or doc.