7th Grade Music

Music Video Response Form

Ukulele Composition Contest

Play the compositions here.

After playing and listening to each composition, fill in the form here.

Music Video Unit Final Project

Music Video Unit Reflection Assignment

End of Trimester Reflection

Friday 11/9/18: Music "Share" Friday Form

Mid-Trimester Survey

End of Trimester Survey

Final Composition Critique

Final Composition Sampler

The I Want Song Project

Question and Answer Phrases

End of Trimester Survey!

Create a beat in Soundation

12/14/17: Please do this assignment in the cafeteria during band/chorus rehearsals.

1. Welcome back to Music Class! Please fill out this survey.

2. Once you've completed the survey, take a Music First invitation sheet and follow the three steps.

You all created a username/password last year.

  • first, try your usual google login (mdubois2024 <----- no @ or wwsu!!)
  • If that doesn't work, I can look you up on Music First and tell you what your login info is

End of Trimester Survey!

Guitarist Vote

May-June 2017: Meet a Guitarist

Vote Here!


Sub Plans 12/12/16

  1. Read this article: http://koolauukulele.com/ukulele-history/
  2. Open up this Google Form (and leave it open-- there are some questions for after you watch the videos) and answer the 4 questions about the article.
  3. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgZ7yxZqsok
  4. Go back to the Form and answer the 4 questions about the video
  5. Don't forget to submit the form!
  6. The rest of the class time is yours. If you don't have homework to do, here are some ideas:
    • Look up more ukulele videos
    • Find and bookmark some tutorial videos you might be interested in trying next time we have free playing time
    • Find and bookmark some chord songs
    • Watch the original Bohemian Rhapsody music video

Welcome to Music Class! Please fill out this survey.