CBMS Chorus

CBMS Chorus 2020-2021! We are back!

What will be the same this year?

  • We will sing, alone and together

  • Any CBMS student, grades 5-8, is welcome to participate

  • We will have regularly scheduled rehearsals

  • I will help you learn your music both by demonstration and music reading

  • There will be opportunities for solos and highlights of students and small groups

  • Students will have a chance to weigh in on song choice

  • We will listen to varied examples of the songs we're singing and study recordings of excellent choirs

  • There will be festival opportunities beyond our school walls to work with students from other schools and work with conductors from outside our community.

What will be different this year?

  • Our singing will be done remotely

  • Performances will look different- they may be a video release, posting of an audio track, an outdoor event (I still have hope for this in the spring!)

  • There will be Zoom rehearsals, as well as audio and video recording expectations*

  • Nobody will have to sit on a tiny bench during rehearsal

  • Much less sitting quietly while another section rehearses

  • No early morning rehearsals!

  • Rehearsal times will need to be flexible as the school year and school schedule changes- our work will be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous. I will make sure the schedule does not conflict with other classes/practices. The rehearsal schedule may be split between sections (ie. Sopranos rehearse at 1:15, Altos at 1:30)

*Look, I know in the spring, that sharing a video of you singing alone was intimidating for a bunch of you. I won't make you do that. If you send in a video/audio recording, I will compile it with everyone else's recording. I will check in with the group on whether you want your face shown in any video release, or if you'd prefer that we compile an audio recording. You are safe here.

Sign up here!

If you have questions, email mdubois@huusd.org