Stone Hill Trails

Post date: Aug 05, 2016 12:47:47 PM

Re: Stone Hill Trail System - - Progress!



Art, Henry <>

8:43 PM (11 hours ago)

to Andrew, Jason, Dustin, Dick, Philip, Bob, Scott, conservation, PeteSmith, Eric, Matthew, Tim, Jeremy, Andrew, Kathleen, Teresa, Jarrod

Good Evening,

Indeed a good evening, with all the kiosks and trail intersection signs now in place. Temporary trail maps and QR Code icons have been put in the kiosks, awaiting the printing of weather-resistant vinyl signs of a more permanent (and larger) nature.

I want to thank all of you who contributed to the establishment of the trail network, through your labor, creativity, and encouragement. A very special thanks is due to the Town of Williamstown Department of Public Works who went "above and beyond the call of duty" in moving, installing, and then beautifying the ground surface of the kiosks... we couldn't have done it without them and it kinda' makes one take even more pride in the kind of service Town employees provide and the dedication they have to this place.

If I have left someone off the email list, please forward this on to them.

All the Best --
