Citizen request for Opiod Resolution

Post date: Aug 19, 2016 5:24:45 PM

Healthcare Resolution 8/16

Received the attached from Jean Vankin. Expect that she and possibly others will be in on Monday night to discuss. I would recommend, if the Board is inclined to support the concept, to revise the language to make less demanding of BHS and more supportive of their efforts to expand access to services.

There are a number of factors, mainly regulatory on the state level, that stand in the way of locating a facility at the former North Adams Hospital. Recognizing a continuing need to maintain and grow rehab services in the county is important and in particular provision of post-detox recovery houses. BHS has been very committed to providing treatment services on their site and in partnership with organizations like the Breen Center. State regulations determine the # of beds eligible for treatment units (1st CSS treatment program in state to open was at BHS). At the moment, the state requires that recovery houses be tied to existing programs (i.e. cannot yet have one in North Adams since primary facility is in Pittsfield.)

This is a challenge that requires additional movement in state government. In my conversation with Dave Phelps at BHS on Friday, it is clear that they are strongly committed to providing the spectrum of services necessary, but their ability to act is limited by regulation. Practically, as well, Berkshire Health continues to make investments in the region and at the North Adams campus. (See attachment below).

Recommended revised resolution below.