Community Development

Post date: May 23, 2016 12:48:13 PM


Setting of rebar and concrete pouring continues on pace at the science center. The foundation system for the bookstore is now complete.


Jeff Kennedy has been witness Title 5 inspections, and septic system soils evaluations (perk tests).

Margaret Lindley Park is still being tested weekly for bacterial compliance with Department of Public Health regulations. The water quality has been excellent.


The Planning Board met in early August to review its work schedule for the coming months. They have tentatively planned their agenda out to November in order to ensure timely compeltion of several planned projects. One of those projects, a look at alternative housing types, is underway with Mass Housing Partnership. Andrew has been working on finalizing grant agreements between MHP and the Town. Andrew has also been working through the Open Space Plan document. The OSRP committee is working on revisions to that document currently. The committee will meet again on August 25. Andrew has also recently met with developers for several different projects and is working on scoping letters. These are likely to be before land use permitting Boards later in the fall. Andrew will be on vacation from Sept 1 through 13.