AG Review of warrant articles

Post date: Jul 25, 2016 1:27:37 PM

Articles 31, 32, 33 and 34 have been approved by Attorney General.

They continue to review Articles 30 (technical corrections) and 35 (Waubeeka).

Two letters have been received by AG's office re Waubeeka. (Also attached below)

AG has asked for a 30 day extension (through October 5) for their review of Article 35.

Town Counsel's letter re Article 35 attached below.

The opposition letters express concern about the concept of "revoking" or "surrendering" a special permit if a use in the overlay district is constructed or partially constructed, suggesting that the reversion to the underlying zoning constitutes a form of changing the zoning bylaw. A second concern is the specific nature of what is allow in conservation restricted land. Town counsel has responded with observations in response to both of those concerns. The role of the AG is to sift through those arguments to determine whether or not portions of the ordinance (or, rather unlikely, but possible, the entirety of the ordinance) is invalid.