Town Manager's Evaluation

Post date: Aug 03, 2016 6:2:52 PM

Questionnaire translated into Google form (thank you Jeffrey Thomas).

(To review whole thing, click on "Fill out in Google Forms button, choose a group and then proceed to next page. All questions being asked on that group are shown there.)

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This is how the invitation to provide input will appear when we send this out.

The Williamstown Selectboard seeks your assistance in the annual evaluation of our Town Manager, Jason Hoch.

The Board of Selectmen is seeking input from a broad range of community members, including Town board and committee members, Town employees, and residents of the public who work with him on a regular basis.

Your responses will be kept anonymous.

The Board of Selectmen will seek further information for this review by conducting a limited number of brief interviews. If you would like to be interviewed, please contact the Selectboard Chair, Andy Hogeland or by phone at 413-441-0583.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

          • *

            • Are you a community member, but not a Town employee or member of a Town Board or Committee

            • Are you a Town Employee?

            • Are you a Member of Town Board or Committee, but not a Selectman?

            • Are you a Member of the Board of Selectmen?

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