Mass Housing Partnership

Post date: Aug 03, 2016 8:1:0 PM

Update via Andrew reflecting Planning Board work:

Narrative Message

Current trends show a recent significant and projected continued decline in Berkshire County’s population. Also, state and national trends show that coming generations, and even members of current generations, are looking away from traditional models of housing. This is a concern for the Planning Board. Trends show that folks are looking at smaller places to live, different and more efficient ways of living, and how to leave a smaller footprint. Locally, this trend can be seen in the speed of the lease out of the new Cable Mills building: within 3 months of ribbon cutting, over two thirds of the units have been occupied. This is a glimpse of the future and the Board wants to respond to these changes. Throughout the coming months, we will be studying housing options for this next generation of workers, employers, families, and seniors. Housing that can fit their lifestyle. This could include many options, and could take many forms. This process will involve significant community input and the Board hopes to hear from many members throughout our community. With the cooperation of our friends and neighbors, the Board hopes that the Town can institute some forward thinking and unique zoning changes to respond to broader changes that are occurring, all while protecting what makes Williamstown a unique community.

Workflow Plan

- Utilize CoUrbanize platform to create a space for community conversation about these issues, use local media, social media, and other sources to introduce the narrative message and process to the public.

- Expand the geographical size of the interactive space on CoUrbanize to encompass the entire General Residence zone, but retain Cole Avenue / Mill Village as a particular focus area. Perhaps add the Lehovec property on Rt. 2 as an additional focus area.

- Utilize CivicMoxie to work with the Planning Board and community members to synthesize information on the CoUrbanize platform, information from in person outreach work, to create a broad vision for different areas that have been identified as suitable for multifamily housing.
