

本講演会では、アダム・ディアンジェロ氏の学生時代の話からFacebook CTOを経て時価総額10億ドルを超える



VIA Next Innovatorsは「人をつなぐ・社会を変える」を標榜しています。本講演会では単に人をつなぐだけでなく、人をつなぐコストを低減させることもまた社会を変えることにつながるのではないかという示唆を得ることができ、大変有意義なものでした。


「始めていなければ存在しなかったサービス」で世界にインパクトを アダム・ディアンジェロ氏特別講演会

Adam D’Angelo shared his background and why he created and grew Quora, the platform that provides unique opportunities in 6 languages for anyone to ask experts questions for free.

Since the era of the Internet, anyone can access and distribute information easily, but on the other hand, there is too much information. Quora is using AI in order to reduce the cost of matching between the questioners and answers and manage the quality of answers.

VIA Next Innovators are aiming to connect people and change the society. From this lecture, we learned that not only connecting people but also reducing the cost of connecting people can also lead to social innovation.

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