Recent Presentations

"Broadening Our Sights on ODC," Distinguished Scholar Award presentation to Organization Development and Change Division of Academy of Management conference, August 11, 2020.

"Process of Organizational Innovation & Change Stimulated by Richard Norman," Richard Norman Lecture, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, November 13, 2019.

"New Findings in Oxford Handbook of Organizational Change," Research Seminar, Said Business School, University Of Oxford, November 14, 2019.

"Engaged Scholarship and Inclusive Teaching," Luncheon & Plenary Sessions, Teaching and Learning Community, Academy of Management, Boston, August 11, 2019.

"Collaborative research on organization innovation and change," Keynote address at PIN-C Conference, Malardalen University, Sweden, January 12, 2018.

"Behavioral processes of organizational learning and non-learning: The Case of Midwest Health," research seminar at Marriott School of Business, BYU, March 2, 2017

"Process Research for studying entrepreneurship and innovation journeys," keynote address at University of Utah / BYU Winter Strategy Conference, Park City, Utah, March 3, 2017

"Publishing in AMD," professional development workshop, Nanyang Technological University. January 12, 2017.

"The Innovation Journey," Executive Forum, Norwegian Technological National University. November 11, 2016.

"Saving Social Science," research seminar, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Organization. November 18, 2016.

"Engaged Scholarship," "Managing Knowledge Integration Across Boundaries," and "Designing and Analyzing Process Studies," Uppsala Lectures in Business, Uppsala University, Sweden. October 3–6, 2016.

"Happy Birthday, AMD," video, Academy of Management Discoveries, June 17, 2016.

"The Innovation Journey: You can't control it, but you can maneuver it," presentation (video), IPrime annual meeting, Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial Materials & Engineering (IPrime), University of Minnesota. June 1, 2016.

"Learning to be an Engaged Scholar," Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship seminar (video), Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. April 15, 2016.

"Making Contributions OF and TO Theory/Phenomena," keynote presentation, the Management Scholars Professional Development Workshop, Oklahoma State University-Tulsa. April 8, 2016.

"Introduction to Academy of Management Discoveries," professional development workshop, IESE, University of Navarra. January 15, 2016.

"Transforming Employees to Entrepreneurs and Organizational Units to Micro-Enterprises at Haier," presentation, Wisconsin School of Business research seminar. December 11, 2015.

"Government-University-Industry Ecosystems for Innovation and Economic Development," keynote presentation, National Conference on Research and Education Policy by Royal Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, Oslo, Norway. May 5, 2015.