Session 05: Ways to Study Innovation


  • Experiential innovation labs and projects

  • Site visit to observe innovation in companies and countries.

Discussion Questions:

  • What problems did this case encounter during its development?

  • How are these problems similar and different from Innovation Journey chapter two?

  • Propose and argue a better way to handle one of these problems.


  • Case Comparison report questions

      1. How is your case similar and different to Qnetics and CIP in terms of the common elements of the innovation journey, learning, leadership, and external relationships? Present answer in a table, and discuss the most interesting comparisons in 2 pages or less.

      2. Diagnose a key problem or issue that was common to the cases. Make your diagnosis explicit by listing the data or symptoms, your analysis, and your inference of the problem in two pages or less.

      3. Propose a recommendation for managing this problem. Support your recommendation with an argument by stating your claim, reasons, evidence, reservations and qualifiers in two pages or less.

  • Read:

    • Cochlear Implant case in Innovation Journey, Ch. 8

    • Qnetics new company startupin Innovation Journey. Ch. 10

    • Therapeutic Apheresis joint inter-organizational venture in Innovation Journey Ch. 9

    • IDEO shopping cart redesign on AMC Nightline Youtube.

    • Other cases rich on the process of innovation.

Class slides by Van de Ven

Video Clips by Van de Ven on analyzing cases or problems, Part 1 and Part 2