Session 06: Learning the Innovation Journey


  • Student teams discuss learning in CIP and Qnetics or TAP cases:

    1. What learning disabilities did the cases exhibit?

    2. Propose a practical way to minimize these learning disabilities.

    3. Present an argument for your proposal.


Not all people learn the same way. To get an idea of your own learning style, please complete before class the web version

of the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire. Then, assess your scores by reading the Learning Styles Descriptors.

For more information read R. Felder, “Reaching the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education

and Richard Felder’s home page.

Class Notes:

Learning IJ by Van de Ven

Decision Biases by Van de ven

Learning Concepts by Spruth

Video Lecture:

Learning the Innovation Journey by Van de Ven

Learning concepts by Spruth

Decision Biases by Van de Ven

See other links on learning organization Youtube video clips