
NOTE: This is a past event

The Calibration Conundrum -

Display Measurement in the Post-Phosphor Era

SMPTE New York Section

SID Mid-Atlantic Chapter

IEEE BTS New York Chapter

Joint November 2014 Meeting


Gary Mandle, Sony

Matthew Donato, Rochester Institute of Technology

Bill Miller, Miltag Media Technology

Guests and Non Members Welcome! Refreshments will be served!

Produced by Bill Miller, Miltag Media Technology

Life used to be so simple. All displays were based on CRTs; you could calibrate them with a couple of simple test signals and a tristimulus calibrator and be reasonably sure that they would match, even displays from different manufacturers. Plasma displays followed, but since they were also phosphor-based, the same assumptions generally applied.

Both CRT and plasma technology have been superseded and we are now faced with a dizzying array of display technologies. It seems we can match them either by eye or by meter but not both simultaneously. We'll explain why this is so and what to do about it; we'll also talk about SMPTE's upcoming standards for HDTV reference white and routine display measurement and calibration, and how they differ from past practice.


5:30 Refreshments and Networking

6:10 Announcements

6:30 Technical Program

8:00 Program ends


750 Schapiro/CEPSR

Columbia University

530 West 120 Street, 7th floor

New York, NY