How to Access eBooks on OPALS

How to Access eBooks on OPALS

Did you know the SCHS Library now has even more eBooks that you can access through our website? It’s true!

Below are tips and tricks on accessing these new eBooks!

Tips and Tricks:

    1. Navigate to the SCHS Library Catalog. You can find it HERE.

    2. From the homepage, you can access the eBooks in several ways:

      1. Use our new eBook Pathfinders! You can find our fiction eBook pathfinder HERE and our nonfiction eBook pathfinder HERE.

      2. Look to our new items list where all our new eBooks have been added.

    3. You can tell a book in our collection is an eBook because it will have E-Book in the call number.

    4. There are two formats of eBooks in our catalog:

      1. To access eBooks that do NOT have the Preview/Read option:

        1. Select the book and navigate to either of the two links on the book record.

        2. Under Record Information, you will find an option to access the downloadable ebook under the URI. Click the link.

        3. You can also click the link at the bottom of the book’s record. You will be taken to the Gutenberg website.

      2. To access eBooks that DO have the Preview/Read option, simply select the Read option.

        1. You will be taken to the book. To navigate through the pages, click on the upper right hand corner of the book’s page to go forward and the upper left hand corner to go back.

Below is a video tutorial on how to access the library’s eBook collection.