Accessing SORA eBooks

How to Access eBooks Through SORA

SCHS Library now has access to SORA, a reading app for students! You can now access public library books with just your student email account!

Below are instructions on accessing SORA and adding Santa Cruz Public Library to your account!


  1. Navigate to your Google Apps (the waffle) on the right hand side of your Google Chrome screen. You will have to scroll down to find the SORA icon. See image below:

2. Select the icon. You will be prompted to sign in through your google account. Once you have followed the steps, you will be taken to the SCCS SORA homepage.

3. To add Santa Cruz Public Libraries to your SORA app, click on the three lines in the right hand corner of the screen. You will see a menu that will allow you to add a library, select the green plus sign.

4. Enter the library name, our city, or zip code. You will then select your library, which is Northern California Digital Library.

5;. Once you have selected “This is my library,” you will have added SCPL to your libraries and you will be able to use OverDrive as you would with any library account. You can find an Overdrive Tutorial HERE.

Below is a video tutorial on how to access eBooks through SORA.